April 2018 Dress Down Day.

In January this year EEC Solar made a New Years resolution to start helping out local charities, we have previously supported some massive global charities so now we are going to focus on helping out our local charities where every penny really does count and makes a huge difference to them being able to run day to day. So far we have raised money for some AMAZING charities and the satisfaction feels so much greater knowing we are able to help organisations that are helping our local community.

For April’s dress down EEC Solar learned of a charity we had never heard of named “Live To Learn”. We investigated what it is “Live to Learn” did, so went on their Facebook and website and we were amazed by what an amazing charity they are. We instantly knew that this is a place we wanted to support.


This is a little snippet from the “Live to Learn” website about what it is they do.

“We are a center for people with additional needs situated in the heart of Southport. We offer clients an opportunity to continue their learning journey at their own pace in a supportive relaxed environment. We offer a range of structured activities for clients to choose from, encourage trying new activities to develop and maintain life, work and social skills.

We promote independence, choice and social inclusion through all activities and events we host. We hold social and interpersonal skills to be key to the service we provide.”

Once we had decided the EEC charity team got straight into action planning our April dress down, we raised an amazing £36 for the charity. Today Friday 4th May two of the EEC team went to visit “Live to Learn” to drop our donation off and received a tour around the center.

A lovely young lady named Lindsey took us on a tour and wow what an amazing place it is and offers so much. We first went into their drama room and Lindsey told us all about their past performances and their most recent collaboration of Hairspray! This room is also used as a crafts room with numerous creations of bright artwork hung all around the room.

Next up we went into the outdoor space to see the animals and the woodwork area where the clients can learn some skills. We then moved upstairs and saw our favourite part the therapy room which is amazing with all the bright lights around the room, its used when the clients just want a little time to themselves before joining back into groups activities. There is also a beauty salon upstairs where every Friday anybody who wants their hair or nails done can go up and be pampered.

This charity is truly amazing and just from our short tour in the center we knew it was a really special place and such a well deserving charity for us to support. We are already excited to fundraise for them again!
