EEC Charity Team Complete 8th Tough Mudder

This weekend (9th September 2017) 4 EEC team members completed ANOTHER Tough Mudder! It seems like EEC staff are starting to get hooked on extreme sporting events, Ewen one of EEC’s directors just completed a Coast-to-Coast bike ride over 48 hours and then took part in another Tough Mudder (his 6th to date).

EEC have a small group of ‘legionnaires’ (a legionnaire is someone who has completed more than 1 Tough Mudder) however this weekend was a first for some of the EEC team Lily EEC’s lovely switchboard handler took part in her first Tough Mudder event gaining the famous orange headband. A massive well done to Lily, Tough Mudder is a daunting challenge and the whole team have commended Lily on how well she did during the fun but gruelling course.

The charity division spoke to Lily to see what she thought about her first Tough Mudder experience. Lily said that she ‘absolutely loved her first Tough Mudder and is definitely set on completing another in the near future although she is planning on training more next time.’

Her favourite obstacle was Arctic Enema a plunge pool filled with ice and freezing cold water Lily said even though it shocked her body it was refreshing to help her keep on going. To relax after the challenge Lily enjoyed her free cider at the finish line and tucked into a well-earned Chinese with the other girls who finished the event.

EEC’s Alex our renewables team manager who could definitely be considered as addicted to TM and has completed his 8th Tough Mudder ‘HooRarr’, including the Dublin Tough Mudder anyone who has even completed one Tough Mudder will know how hard it is to get round the course but to do 8 is incredible so a huge well done to Alex.

We also had a chat with Alex about his incredible achievement he said ‘Having done his first Tough Mudder in 2014 taking part in Tough Mudder is becoming easier the more he does, especially as he is now training more than ever, his target is to reach 10 Tough Mudder’s and earn that black and orange headband, he is also now looking to take things to the next level and take part in the Toughest Mudder’.

Toughest Mudder is an 8-hour night event were participants loop the course multiple times from midnight to 8am, if the participants cover 50 miles during the 8 hours they are invited to the worlds Toughest Mudder in Las Vegas which is a 24 hour course.

Alex is all about teamwork and states there is no ‘i’ in team – a saying that EEC loves! Alex loved helping the teams first timers around the course saying everyone stuck together to get the course finished leaving nobody behind. As a Tough Mudder legionnaire Alex enjoyed all of the obstacles and was surprised to see a new one Augustus Gloop which he said is definitely his new favourite. Like Lily, Alex also enjoyed a drink to wind down after the event with his teammate Ewen known on the day as ‘Rewen’.

Everyone at EEC are definitely looking forward to the next!
