EEC’S Charity Christmas Extravaganza!

Staff at EEC have nearly raised a whopping £5,000 this year and to thank them for all their hard work, support and dedication we decided to put on a Christmas Extravaganza – Bucks Fizz, Christmas treats and our very own EEC Charity Awards! To motivate everyone to dress up in their best Christmas jumpers, flashing earrings, musical headbands and flashing Christmas lights we also offered a free raffle ticket to everyone who dressed up on the day to win an Android watch, £20 cash, scratch cards or wine!

We’ve put up the office Christmas tree, decorated the charity wall in Christmas wrapping paper and decorations and sent out the charity Christmas cards. All that there was left to do was to party!

This year EEC has gone all out once again with a jam-packed year of fundraising events, dress-down days and activities. We’ve supported over 12 different charities from national ones like the British Heart Foundation and Breast Cancer Care to local causes such as Queenscourt Hospice, Claire House Children’s Hospice and the Woodland Animal Sanctuary. We’ve done an Easter Egg collection, come to work in wigs, cycled from Manchester to Liverpool, joined in with the Star Trekk night walk in Southport, done triathlons, 2 Tough Mudders and one of the team even ran 26.2 miles in the Virgin Money London Marathon! What a year it’s been!

2016 sets an even bigger challenge for the home improvement company. The CEO, Mr John Ball and 4 other members of staff have secured 5 places in the ultimate fundraising challenge – the prestigious Virgin London Marathon. With two official own places and 3 charity gold bond places the company are trying to raise a mammoth £4,200 for the charity ‘Kids’ who provide support and care, to disabled children and young people all over the UK.

Kids is a national charity that was set up to run vital life changing services to disabled children and young people, aged 0 – 25 and their families. Their purpose is to enable children and young people with special education needs and disabilities to enjoy their lives and achieve their ambitions, whilst providing support and guidance to their families. The charity support over 8,000 disabled children, young people and their families through delivering 125 services across England. It is a totally unique charity in the fact that there is no other organisation dedicated to providing such an extensive range of services to disabled children and young people, irrespective of their impairment or condition.

Their aim is to:

equip parents with extra skills and confidence to nurture and develop their disabled child
enable disabled children to have a happy childhood
support teenagers and young adults to develop practical, social and interpersonal skills, challenge discrimination and achieve their goals
provide parents with support and breaks from the pressures of caring for a disabled child
provide fun activities and support for siblings of disabled children and young carers
assist local authorities and other organisations in making their facilities accessible and welcoming to all disabled children and young people.
Since the company started fundraising just over two and a half years ago they have raised a massive £19,405.50 for various local and national charities which is a really great achievement.

EEC would like to wish everybody whose supported us and all the charities we support a very ‘Merry Christmas’!
