EEC’s Macmillan World Largest Coffee Morning

Every September of every year EEC Solar take part in Macmillan’s worlds largest coffee morning, it is by far our most eagerly anticipated dress down day for the EEC Solar team who love all the tasty treats!

The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer. People and businesses all over the UK host their own Coffee Mornings and donations on the day are made to Macmillan. Last year alone £29.5 million was raised compared to the day’s humble beginnings. The first ever Coffee Morning happened way back in 1990. It was a rather small affair with a simple idea: guests would gather over coffee and donate the cost of their cuppa to Macmillan in the process. It was so effective; they did it again the next year – only this time nationally. Since then, Coffee Morning has raised over £165.5 million for Macmillan.

All of the EEC Solar team are so generous year on year donating cakes from home baked cakes full of character to delicious shop bought we are so thankful for everyone’s generosity. This year we had the most daring cake that we have ever seen a 3d aero bubble cake kindly donated by our lovely receptionist Lily who’s auntie made this marvellous creation. Not only did it look the part but it also tasted amazing! Tim Hillman who has donated a cake each year didn’t let us down this year and brought us in a delicious homemade victoria sponge cake.

There are now 2.5 million peo ple in the UK living with cancer. By 2030, it will be 4 million people. One in three of us will get cancer, and it will be one of the toughest things we’ll ever have to face. Our goal is to make sure no one faces cancer alone. Macmillan provide medical, emotional, practical and financial support, as well as campaigning for better cancer care.

EEC Solar are dedicated to continue supporting this amazing cause and we are already looking forward to next years Coffee Morning. This year we raised an incredible £70.69 as always we would like to thank the EEC Solar team for their on-going generosity to each cause that we decide to support.
