Home or away, we’ll protect you

Book a security assessment or get in touch for other requirements

Please enter your details below and we’ll give you a call to discuss your requirements in more detail.

There’s nothing more important than security, for you, your family and your home.

Our security products will look after you while you’re at home — and guard your home while you’re away.

Our security range includes:

• Wireless alarm system with wireless accessories
• CCTV camera system
• Covert CCTV
• Care units
• Video door intercom
• Automated gate entry systems
• Security lighting
• 24/7 alarm and care unit monitoring
• Rotary & pencil intruder spikes

An alarm system, in particular, can be invaluable. And it’s been shown time and again that you’re far less likely to become a victim of a burglary at home if you have a correctly-fitted and well maintained burglar alarm.*

The same goes for small businesses, including shops, pubs, clubs, bars and restaurants. In each case, we have the solution to meet your needs, from simple options such as intruder spikes through to sophisticated alarm and CCTV systems and 24/7 monitoring.

*Source: Metropolitan Police http://content.met.police.uk/Article/Security-alarms/1400011145584/1400011145584

Perhaps you have an existing system that needs upgrading, or maybe you’re looking for a security system for the first time. Either way, whether you’re a home or business owner, we will take the time to assess your needs professionally at the outset via a free security survey.

Why not contact us for a free no obligation security quotation?

Call now book your security assessment or discuss any other requirements : 01704 333459
